We are the
Christian Business Round Table
Our Vision.
Reflect Christ’s glory in the workplace and expand the Kingdom.
Our Mission.
To bring Christ to the marketplace, foster fellowship and promote the adoption of Christian values through the influence of senior business leaders.
CBRT hosts monthly Round Table meetings formatted for small group discussion and relationship building. Events feature discussion topics related to the theme of the most recent Leadership Event. See our list of active round tables.
CBRT Leadership Events are held quarterly in Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids and the Detroit area, featuring keynote speakers with outstanding business acumen and growth-inspiring messaging. Attendees fellowship over breakfast, enjoy a motivating presentation, then share feedback on the topic and speaker as they network with their tables.
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an Event
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“CBRT provides inspiration, hope, and encouragement through these presentations. Thank you for providing a Christ-centered approach to business and leadership.”
-Roger, Grand Rapids Leadership Event Participant
“CBRT is my monthly motivator. I love the meaningful exchange in the working landscape, the problem analysis, and the solution discussion that inevitably takes place.”
-Dick, Kalamazoo Round Table Attendee
CEO Briefing
March 2025
The Crippling Disease of Moderate Success
by Dave Kahle