Navigating Industry Challenges- Competition

In today’s competitive business landscape, small business leaders face the ongoing challenge of staying ahead in their industries while maintaining a commitment to ethical practices.  Our August topic this month was, “Navigating Industry Challenges- Competition.  We asked ourselves, “What competitive strategies have you employed to gain an edge over competitors in your industry?  Or, “How do  … Read more

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When Your Company Asks You to Do Something Unethical by Dave Kahle

Every now and then, almost every professional runs into a situation where he/she is expected to do something that violates their conscience – something unethical.  How do you handle that? When Your Company Asks You To Do Something Unethical by Dave Kahle I was in the third year in a very fulfilling and lucrative sales  … Read more

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3 Essentials to Growing a Successful Christian Business by Dave Kahle

The world is full of advice for businesspeople.  If you are a Christian, the challenge is to sort it out – to discard the superficial and worldly while grabbing onto that which will make a difference.  In this post, I share three essential paths that will keep you focused on the right things. Striving for  … Read more

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Boosting Sales and Generating Referrals

In today’s competitive business environment, building strong relationships with customers is more important than ever. By focusing on relationship-building, you can boost your sales and generate referrals more effectively. Here are some tips and tricks to help you create lasting connections with your customers, drive sales, and encourage referrals. Boosting Sales Through Relationships Get to  … Read more

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Stress and Anxiety Solutions for Leaders

The foundations of our faith in response to stress are critical in dealing with stress and anxiety.  The responses to this topic from our business leaders overwhelmingly emphasized a reliance and a focus on Him.  “Thou will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee.” (Isaiah 26:35). A business leader in Oxford  … Read more

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Is Stress Killing Productivity? Here’s How Leaders Improve Efficiency & Wellbeing by Dr. Jeff Doolittle

One emotion that often defines work is stress. It can be productive, motivating you to innovate, or draining, leading to burnout. Recent evidence suggests that five in ten employees are experiencing significant negative impacts from long-term workplace stress. Stress is an emotional contagion. Given the significant challenges increased workplace uncertainty poses, from decision-making and strategic  … Read more

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Spiritual Warfare in Business? Is Evil Influencing Our Businesses and Careers? by Dave Kahle

Can our businesses and careers be subject to attack by the ‘spiritual forces of evil’?  And, if so, what does that look like?  Can some or much of the obstacles in your path be intentionally implanted by the “spiritual forces of evil”?  Let’s dig into this together. For our struggle is not against flesh and  … Read more

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Best Practices for Fostering Employee Accountability

This month, our Round Tables focused on “Best Practices for Fostering Employee Accountability.” One recurring theme has been the importance of clear and concise communication of expectations, along with the necessity for ongoing communication with all employees to prevent issues altogether. While each Round Table discussion varies, below are some key points that emerged from  … Read more

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Offensive Christianity by Dave Kahle

Too many Christians hide their faith in the marketplace. One of the reasons is the unfounded, yet common belief that you’ll offend people if you voice your Christianity.  Let’s explore that belief together. I’ll Offend People if I Voice My Christianity By Dave Kahle If there’s one thought that is almost universally nurtured by Christian business people,  … Read more

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Making a Difference by Dave Kahle

For most of my life, I’ve been driven by a desire to make a difference. And, for much of that time, that motivation was lurking below the surface, taking up significant space in my sub-conscious and subliminally prodding my thoughts and actions. Sometimes that thought rose to the top of my mind and became a  … Read more

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