Randall B. Klee

Klee Insurance Group/Randall B. Klee, LUTCF  PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE  Randall B. Klee began his career in the Insurance services industry over 30 years ago originally starting his own insurance practice specializing in employer group benefits and consulting and began working with the senior market assisting with retirement over 25 years ago.  With a desire to succeed,  … Read more

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Developing a Strong Corporate Culture to Attract the RIGHT Talent

At our recent Round Table discussions, business leaders converged to explore the multifaceted world of cultivating a culture that not only draws in exceptional talent but also keeps them firmly rooted within the company’s mission and vision. What emerged were powerful insights and practical strategies that illuminate the path to building a vibrant and enduring  … Read more

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Christian Values: How to Create Profitable Trust-Based Relationships with Dr. Jeff Doolittle

Successful businesses are built upon relationships, and trust is the currency of relationships. Businesses cannot succeed without trust. Trust opens doors to key stakeholders, shifts discussions away from price, and makes room for taking risks. Evidence suggests that businesses encounter increased competitive disruption without trust, and leaders are challenged by essential stakeholder indifference. Distrust breeds  … Read more

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Why Character Matters in Leadership with Dr. Jeff Doolittle

Every leader wants to be successful. But sometimes, the results achieved come at the cost of character. Civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. suggested that the most dangerous person is likely gifted with reason but no morals. A blind passion for results damages a leader’s reputation and the organization. Evidence from workplace studies on  … Read more

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What is Servant Leadership: Skillsets and Mindsets for Success and Significance with Dr. Jeff Doolittle

Have you ever wondered what servant leadership is? Maybe you already understand the basic concepts but have questions about how servant leadership differs from other leadership styles or if a servant leadership approach is appropriate for your team. The costs of poor leadership often show up in the workplace disguised as low employee engagement, a  … Read more

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The Art of Decision Making

Our topic for July is “The Art of Decision Making.”   The decision-making process can be seen as a Venn diagram.  One circle is facts and information, the second circle is experience and listening to your mentors, and the third is asking for God’s wisdom.  Where they intersect, there is a place where you can make  … Read more

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Decompartmentalizing Your Purpose & Your Business: Integration of Faith and Work

Our Round Tables discussed how to live life as an authentic Christian at work and at home.  Each Round Table discussion is unique with a different approach to the topic. Pursue Virtue One member commented, “If we are here to be the best we can be, for customers, employees, and our families and community, we  … Read more

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Work/Life Balance

This month our Round Tables discussed “Work/Life Balance.”  We asked ourselves questions such as, “What does self-care mean for a Christian?” and, “What are the three areas of personal well-being that you are attending to the best: physical, mental, social (marriage, children, family, friends), or spiritual?”  Each Round Table discussion is unique with a different  … Read more

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Adjustments for Today’s Business Climate

Our business leaders discussed current recessionary trends and evaluated their responses to the recession in their Round Tables this month.  If you would like to join a Round Table, see our website for a location near you https://thebusinessrt.org/round-tables/. Highly Blessed and Favored One Round Table leader gets asked frequently by clients, “How has your business  … Read more

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My Leadership – Am I Doing Enough?

This month, our Round Table members evaluated their leadership.  They contemplated the “imposter syndrome,” defined as the “persistent inability to believe that one’s success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one’s efforts or skills.”  The groups also discussed the qualities of a good leader and evaluated their leadership skills.  The  … Read more

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