Employee Engagement: A Key to Employee Retention
June 5, 2019In the May Round Table meetings, we discussed the topic of “Employee Engagement: A Key to Employee Retention.” For your convenience, notes from each chapter meeting have been recorded for you to review.
As a quick reminder, our next Leadership Event will feature David Beatty, Vice President of Finance & Administration at Weldaloy, on June 21st at the Birmingham Country Club. David will be speaking on the topic of “Confronting & Overcoming Fear.” Click here to register and to save your seat!
If you are unable to attend, subscribe to our YouTube channel where you can review all past event presentations. Be sure to turn on your notifications so that you are the first to know when David’s presentation is available.
Below are the notes from the May Round Table meetings.
Plymouth Round Table
Q1: What are some ways to get employee engagement?
- Does not boil down to money
- Purpose & volunteerism engages
- Facing the problem now of even finding any candidates
Q2: Does employee engagement influence retention? How?
- Yes, but most people really need more training, not necessarily gimmicks.
Q3: What steps can employers take to cause employees to be fully engaged?
- Better training
- Environment / Workspace
- Communication
Birmingham Round Table
Q1: What are some ways to get employee engagement?
- Engagement – is different for each grade level (i.e. Millennials differ from older employees who look to employer for entire benefit needs).
- Complete ownership of their job.
Q2: Does employee engagement influence retention? How?
- Job satisfaction – freedom, challenge
- Job significance – leadership training, culture, certification, guild model
- Job security – wages, benefits
- Engaged employees also attract customers.
- Help employees find their way.
Q3: What steps can employers take to cause employees to be fully engaged?
- Breakdown in agreed-upon leadership causes people to leave.
- Need careful and complete rollout in explanation of benefits program.
- People leave their leader not their job.
- Establish clear mission & give people purpose.
Kalamazoo Round Table (Tuesday)
What is Engagement?
- Trust
- Commitment
- Finding programs that interest your employees
- Having people who are not asleep at the wheel
- Open and quality communication
- We must listen to our employees and their ideas
- People want to feel part of the team/ that they belong
- Align your mission with their goals.
Examples/Ways to Improve Engagement:
- Know their name
- Ask questions
- Book: Dream Manager
- Engagement doesn’t have to come through some big initiative
- Management is caring for people
- “Adapt, migrate, or die”
- Good leadership has a trickle-down effect
- On boarding: engage in the operation in spite of management.
- Engagement comes through the investment of:
- Time
- Teaching
- Management
- Calculate time lost
- Disengaged employees
- Conflict
- Food/Potlucks
- CRC – Connect, Recommend, Commend
- Trust
- Investment of time
- Everyone must share the ownership
- Our words & deeds must match
- Our employees must feel that they belong
- Balance
- Make your people smoke-jumpers
- Equip others to lead/engage
Kalamazoo Round Table (Thursday)
How Do We Define Employee Engagement?
- The level of an employee’s emotional engagement toward their job.
- Do they have a best work friend?
- Trust given and received.
- Tough for employers to engage emotion.
- Some employees don’t pursue career advancement because they love their team, coworker, etc. and don’t want to leave their area.
- Importance of conflict resolution.
- Employer-Employee relationship has changed from giving orders to a coaching leadership style.
- Deep root of industrial revolution mentality: “You’re here to have a job and that should be sufficient.”
- No education on how to pursue & communication your passion or purpose.
- HR is stuck in admin/clerical work.
- Executives must have development as well, not only mid level managers.
- Assumption that high level leaders got where they are because they must know best – but that is not always the case.
- An employees good work may lead to a promotion, but are they a good leader?
- Must be able to distinguish talent & skillset.
- Strengths finder & explorer.
What Role Does Vision & Mission Play?
- Articulate a simple and clear mission. This will:
- Connect the employee to their job
- Serve as a constant reminder of why they are there and why their job matters.
- Be sure that you communicate stories of people fulfilling the mission.
- Be sure that your benefits match your stated values. Do not say that you value family while you offer terrible family benefits.
- Use your Core Values as a filter for business decisions.
- Employees expect your investment.
- Express love in your actions.
Kalamazoo Round Table (Friday)
What is Engagement?
- Participation.
- Related to Education / Skill.
- Compare engagement to commitment/pledge.
- Want people to see their value.
- A highly engagement employee melds with the company – you no longer see the individual but the whole.
How Do We Implement This:
- Make sure that your employees know how to do their job.
- Pledge to make sure they are successful.
- Utilize transparency / honesty.
- Remember to fill in the blanks/ gaps in knowledge before they do.
- Express the value of every member in your company.
- Allow innovation.
- Give constructive feedback on ideas.
- Demonstrate respect.
- Be available.
- Thank them for being leaders and show them how they are leading.
- Provide resources.
- Humility goes a long way. Admit when you don’t know something.
Current Challenges:
- Lack of spiritual influence on the younger generation which leads to employees having no bedrock values – constantly shifting their morals.
- Bridging the generational gaps.
- Start where people currently are.
- Do not assume that employees know what to do and how to do it, or that they understand your direction, vision, mission, etc.
- Be very clear with your expectations for them.
- Approach each employee as an individual rather than a generational label.
Join us at an upcoming Round Table meeting. RSVP to info@thebusinessrt.org.