Today: How We Nurture Relationships and Build Our Networks
March 23, 2021One of CBRT’s core values is RELATIONSHIPS. March Round Tables shared the experiences keeping relationships connected during these unusual times.
Thirteen Round Tables shared solutions surrounding the human resources challenges our business are facing today. For your convenience, notes from the chapter meetings have been recorded below for you to review.
Key ideas and solutions shared by our Round Tables:
- The atmosphere of personal meetings (when they happen) can be awkward. A suggestion: Several mentioned in-person events they had attended that provided colored wristbands to indicate the level of interaction a person was open to (i.e. green for hugs, handshakes; yellow for elbow bumps; red for no contact).
- From a Grand Rapids Round Table: We talked about the challenges the pandemic has created in terms of relationships and networks and focused on the importance of making it a priority to be proactive in investing in these relationships not just for what we can get out of them or how they can benefit our own business needs and goals, but also to demonstrate a personal commitment to the welfare of others and to mutual benefit.
- From the Plymouth Round Table: While personal meetings with clients/vendors are still hard to get, we must continue to pursue these meetings—without being a nuisance. As time passes, we need to increase in-person interaction to be most effective.
- Communicate honestly, exercise compassion and understanding. There are varying opinions regarding Covid practices. We need to find common group to continue to build our discussions and relationships.
- From the Kalamazoo Tuesday Round Table: Make one day per week your in-person meeting day. Embrace the positives. Virtual meetings can increase efficiencies in scheduling meetings and decrease travel costs.
- More from Kalamazoo: Each Sunday evening, make a list of 10 people you can personally connect with in the upcoming week. Reach out by email, call or even text to remember their personal issues/concerns, check on their well-being.
- Be willing to listen. Be open to hearing new solutions.
- Use forced downtime to improve operations excellence in working remotely and improving culture. Think about mutually beneficial solutions and give grace to accept that employees have personal lives.
Other ideas & resources:
- For more information on the Naples conference referenced during our Global Round Table: Hillsdale College Freedom Forums Peggy Youngs 888-886-1174. Hillsdale also offers the Imprimis newsletter and other free information.
- There is a new government program ERTC (Employee Retention Tax Credit). Check with your tax advisor for details.
- Suggested groups/organizations/publications: Purpose Point” organization (Davin Salvagno), sunrise Networking Group, Rodger Price YouTube videos, St. John the Evangelist Church in Naples, FL.
- A positive attitude is essential to surviving these difficult times.
Our next webinar/Leadership Event will be on Friday, April 16 at 7:30am. See the Events Page to register for this FREE event. If you are unable to attend, subscribe to our YouTube channel where you can review all past event presentations.
Get the latest information on next month’s Round Table venues on our website. Options will include hybrid, in-person only or online only.
Join us at an upcoming Round Table meeting! RSVP to to receive a meeting link or location near you.