Our Vision.

To be recognized as a global resource providing business solutions to C-level leadership, and share the gospel with individuals without a relationship with Jesus Christ, enabling them to know God their creator.

Our Mission.

CBRT is an organization providing a place of trust for C-level executives to discuss their challenges and receive feedback creating real impact on their organization. Through our Leadership Events, the Business Round Table provides direction and insight to the business community, meeting the need for leadership in the marketplace and offering an opportunity for spiritual influence.

Why Join a Round Table?

Faith and Business Impact

Linda Kleist, Partner, Identity Creative and Dave Porada, Vice President of Business Development at Apex Advisors US, discuss the benefits of being a part of a CBRT Round Table.


CBRT conducts monthly Round Table meetings formatted for small group discussion. Events feature discussion topics related to the theme of the most recent Leadership Event. See our list of active round tables.

Attend a Round Table


CBRT Leadership Events are held quarterly in Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids and Detroit area, featuring keynote speakers with outstanding business acumen and growth-inspiring messaging. Attendees fellowship over breakfast, enjoy a motivating presentation, then share feedback on the topic and speaker as they network with their tables.

Many of these events are being offered in an on-line webinar format free of charge, thanks to our generous sponsors. Check the Events tab for more information.

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“CBRT has made a significant positive impact in how I approach today’s business climate. Knowing I can meet with a group that shares common values and concerns, gives me encouragement to face the challenges of today.”

“For me, it’s just knowing that you’re not going it alone. It gets lonely at the top. Great encouragement comes from others who are experiencing the same things.”

-Kalamazoo Round Table Attendee


Leadership Breakfast: October 18–Grand Rapids
With Guest Speaker Dave Nemmers!

October 18, 2024 7:30 am - 9:30 am
Learn More & RSVP