Stay Culture

Creating a strong workplace culture is essential for retaining top talent in today’s competitive market. Small businesses, in particular, have a unique advantage—they can offer employees a sense of purpose and belonging that larger corporations often can’t match. Through thoughtful leadership, fostering autonomy, and emphasizing the value of each team member, companies can cultivate what  … Read more

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Multiplying Your Influence by Striving for Excellence By Dave Kahle

As a college student, I supported myself by working in a relatively expensive men’s clothing store. It was a small local chain, with five stores around town – one big headquarters store downtown, and four suburban stores in shopping centers. One of our premium clothing lines was named after the designer – Oleg Cassini.  He  … Read more

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Are Your Leadership Blind Spots Holding You (and Your Team) Back? with Lynn Townsend

She walked into the dingy office with her everyday attitude. “Sara Simpson” (not her real name) was tired, grumpy, and ready to be the smartest person in every room that Thursday. Sara managed a small continuous improvement department at a large industrial company. She worked long hours and wanted applause as a valuable individual contributor.  … Read more

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Balancing Faith, Family, and Career by Fred Sievert

“But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” —Joshua 24:15 This article is largely composed of the content of one of the most popular chapters of my book Fast-starting a Career of Consequence. While the book was largely written to provide Christian business advice, I view balancing of all phases of  … Read more

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Leadership Impact

The leaders who shared their stories at our Round Tables this month agree on one thing: effective leadership is not about authority, but about service, reflection, and understanding. In September, we delved into the topic of Leadership Impact.  Leadership is an ongoing journey that requires continuous evaluation and, most importantly, love for the people you  … Read more

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Navigating Industry Challenges- Competition

In today’s competitive business landscape, small business leaders face the ongoing challenge of staying ahead in their industries while maintaining a commitment to ethical practices.  Our August topic this month was, “Navigating Industry Challenges- Competition.  We asked ourselves, “What competitive strategies have you employed to gain an edge over competitors in your industry?  Or, “How do  … Read more

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When Your Company Asks You to Do Something Unethical by Dave Kahle

Every now and then, almost every professional runs into a situation where he/she is expected to do something that violates their conscience – something unethical.  How do you handle that? When Your Company Asks You To Do Something Unethical by Dave Kahle I was in the third year in a very fulfilling and lucrative sales  … Read more

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3 Essentials to Growing a Successful Christian Business by Dave Kahle

The world is full of advice for businesspeople.  If you are a Christian, the challenge is to sort it out – to discard the superficial and worldly while grabbing onto that which will make a difference.  In this post, I share three essential paths that will keep you focused on the right things. Striving for  … Read more

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Boosting Sales and Generating Referrals

In today’s competitive business environment, building strong relationships with customers is more important than ever. By focusing on relationship-building, you can boost your sales and generate referrals more effectively. Here are some tips and tricks to help you create lasting connections with your customers, drive sales, and encourage referrals. Boosting Sales Through Relationships Get to  … Read more

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Stress and Anxiety Solutions for Leaders

The foundations of our faith in response to stress are critical in dealing with stress and anxiety.  The responses to this topic from our business leaders overwhelmingly emphasized a reliance and a focus on Him.  “Thou will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee.” (Isaiah 26:35). A business leader in Oxford  … Read more

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