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Leadership Breakfast: September 20–Detroit

With Guest Speaker Pieter D. Winne!

September 20, 2024 8:00 am - 9:30 am

Event Description

Enjoy breakfast, networking, and interactive discussion.  Keynote speaker Pieter D. Winne will be discussing “10-year thinking.” Registration and hospitality begin at 8:00 am.



Pieter D. Winne

Pieter’s journey from a US Army Ranger serving with the 75th Ranger Regiment to a leadership development professional in corporate America at IBM to an entrepreneur and EOS Implementer showcases his dedication to service and growth. His background in the military, where he honed skills like discipline, teamwork, and adaptability, provided a solid foundation for his later endeavors.

Transitioning into multiple leadership roles at IBM, Pieter found a new outlet for his passion for coaching and leadership development. He later joined the leadership team of an entrepreneurial company where he was responsible for the leadership development of the entire organization and helped that company grow from $25M to $130M over the course of 9 years which demonstrates his effectiveness in facilitating organizational success.

Pieter’s decision to pursue entrepreneurship reflects his desire for personal growth and fulfillment. Discovering EOS as a systematic approach aligns with his values of structure and strategy, providing him with a framework to support other entrepreneurs in achieving their goals.

His journey exemplifies the notion of continuous learning and adaptation, as he leverages his experiences to empower others in their entrepreneurial endeavors. Pieter’s commitment to helping business owners achieve their dreams underscores his dedication to service and leadership, making his professional life deeply rewarding.

Event Details

September 20, 2024 8:00 am - 9:30 am


Bloomfield Open Hunt Club
405 E Long Lake Rd
Bloomfield Hills, MI , 48304

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